// source --> https://shankinstruments.com/wp-content/plugins/lightbox/js/frontend/froogaloop2.min.js var Froogaloop=function(){function e(a){return new e.fn.init(a)}function g(a,c,b){if(!b.contentWindow.postMessage)return!1;a=JSON.stringify({method:a,value:c});b.contentWindow.postMessage(a,h)}function l(a){var c,b;try{c=JSON.parse(a.data),b=c.event||c.method}catch(e){}"ready"!=b||k||(k=!0);if(!/^https?:\/\/player.vimeo.com/.test(a.origin))return!1;"*"===h&&(h=a.origin);a=c.value;var m=c.data,f=""===f?null:c.player_id;c=f?d[f][b]:d[b];b=[];if(!c)return!1;void 0!==a&&b.push(a);m&&b.push(m);f&&b.push(f); return 0 https://shankinstruments.com/wp-content/themes/kingsize/js/custom.js jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //GALLERY IMAGES HOVER SCRIPT //add span that will be shown on hover on gallery item $(".gallery li a.image, .columns a.image, .lightbox_blog").append(''); //add span to images $(".gallery li a.video, .columns a.video").append(''); //add span to videos $('.gallery li a span, .columns a span').css('opacity', '0').css('display', 'block'); 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